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    Why inbound marketing didn't work for you

    Posted by Lisa Kirschner

    May 9, 2016 10:27:32 AM

    So you've dipped your toes in inbound marketing in the past and never really saw much return on your investment. Maybe you decided to create a lot of content yourself or perhaps you paid an entire team of writers to crank out content, but it just never took off. You finally walked away, shaking your head at your naiveté and vowing to never get duped into inbound marketing again.

    But then a funny thing happened. You learned about another supposedly "hot" tactic or approach and tried that too...with no better results. Or even worse, you found that you could only get good results with online marketing when you paid for it with an expensive paid search budget—which brought in loads of traffic and even some opt-ins, but those leads never converted into paying customers. So what gives, you ask? Does your content suck? Are you using the wrong marketing tactics? Should you fire your team members? There's a really easy answer.

    Nobody wants what you're selling. Or rather, nobody wants to buy from you because of the WAY that you're selling your products or services. 

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    Topics: Inbound Marketing

    #TBT: Increasing Traffic to Your Website

    Posted by Marissa Kasarov

    May 5, 2016 6:00:00 AM

    A little over a year ago, we wrote about the top ways to increase your web traffic.  It should come as no surprise that in today’s ever-changing digital world, marketing techniques have come even further.  Attracting web traffic is an ongoing process.  So, it’s time to revisit these tactics in our most modern, technologically advanced era.  

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    Topics: traffic, increase traffic, tbt

    Essential Elements of a Social Media Marketing Strategy

    Posted by Marissa Kasarov

    Apr 20, 2016 5:30:00 AM

    Writing and establishing a successful social media marketing strategy can be tricky. It’s an ongoing process that takes trial and error. But, by setting goals, knowing your customer base and doing a little market research, you can easily create a social media strategy that will help you successfully connect with your audience.

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    Topics: content strategy, strategy, social media

    Top 5 WordPress News Updates for Week Ending 4/15/2016

    Posted by Marissa Kasarov

    Apr 17, 2016 1:42:27 PM

    Find out what you've missed in the world of WordPress for the week ending April 15, 2016. These are a few of this week's top stories, hand-picked by the team at Flair Interactive Services.

    The internet has just become a bit safer for websites hosted by WordPress. Here's what you need to know about this huge security boon for business and personal WordPress users.

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    Topics: Content Management, content, marketing, social media

    Top 5 Content Marketing Updates for Week Ending 4/8/2016

    Posted by Marissa Kasarov

    Apr 10, 2016 7:00:00 AM

    Find out what you've missed in the world of search engine optimization for the week ending April 8, 2016. These are a few of this week's top stories, hand-picked by the team at Flair Interactive Services.

    Content marketing is no easy task. Whether you’re a one-person marketing department at a startup or CMO of a Fortune 500, doing it well—and within budget—is always a challenge. Having the right tools available to you is the key. This list should help!

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    Topics: Content Management, content, marketing, social media

    Making Content Marketing Work: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

    Posted by Marissa Kasarov

    Apr 8, 2016 6:46:09 PM

    Every marketing professional runs into challenges along their path.  Whether you get bogged down in the hiring process, finding top talent, or you have trouble finding the right systems and processes for your marketing needs, it can be challenge in itself to just keep pushing forward.  

    The constant need to create new and exciting content can sometimes feel impossible and discouraging.  Often, you’ve spent hours creating something that you think is great only to find that it’s received little engagement, traffic or leads.  You’ve spent the time and effort calculating and creating set goals; you know your target and where you want to go, but you just can’t seem to get traction.

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    Topics: Content Marketing

    Top 5 Content Marketing Updates for Week Ending 4/1/2016

    Posted by Marissa Kasarov

    Apr 3, 2016 7:39:23 PM

    Find out what you've missed in the world of search engine optimization for the week ending March 25, 2016. These are a few of this week's top stories, hand-picked by the team at Flair Interactive Services.

    There are strategies in SEO that can produce results almost overnight. Similarly, there are tactics in content marketing that don’t require a lot of time to deploy, and can generate immediate leads for your company. Here are a few with some examples of them in action.

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    Topics: Content Management, content, marketing, social media

    Developing a Social Media Marketing Strategy

    Posted by Marissa Kasarov

    Mar 23, 2016 10:00:58 PM

    Learning and understanding how to develop a strategic, social media marketing plan is a process.  It’s kind of like learning how to ride a bike.  The task may seem like a scary and daunting thing to jump into, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll never look back.  After all, the saying, “It’s like riding a bike,” didn’t just stick because it proved to be an impossible task; we use the saying because once you make the decision to try, progress will just flow. 

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    Topics: marketing, social medai

    The Power of Images in Social Media Marketing

    Posted by Marissa Kasarov

    Mar 15, 2016 2:44:09 PM

    Social media marketing has changed significantly over the past few years, so staying up to date on trends is absolutely essential to your success. 

    One of the fastest growing trends is image-centric marketing rather than traditional text-based marketing.  Many find that it is easier to digest information when presented visually rather than by just reading text.  Understanding this change in trend can help optimize your social media marketing campaign, giving you an edge over any competitors who may still rely soley on publishing text. 

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    Topics: social media, Video Marketing, Photoshop

    When Less is More

    Posted by Marissa Kasarov

    Mar 11, 2016 9:00:00 AM

    As a child, when someone told you "less is more", you probably thought they were crazy. If you're like most of us, that opinion probably also followed you into your teen years (and maybe even your early 20's). Today, however, you know better than that. As a mindful, capable, experienced business owner, you have seen enough to know that more is not always better. Unfortunately, it can be a struggle to know when you should take the minimalist approach versus going all-in. That's the enigma we are confronting here: when is low-key better than the whizbang alternative? 

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    Topics: email marketing, social media, blogging


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