Back in 2012, MOZ posted a great blog and video about how to delight the pants off of your community.
It had some helpful tips, including:
- Give them points/thumbs up/stars
- Thank them
- Be human
- Show personality
- Make it easy
- Take it to email
- Take it offline
- Make it personal
- Show them you care. This is everything. All of the below tips—in one way or another—aim to further prove this basic tenant. You can show your community or online group that you care about them in the way you respond to questions and requests for advice, by posting helpful tips and articles just because, and in the way you share information and advice. Essentially, in everything you do. If they know you genuinely care, they will begin to trust you and look to you as a go-to person—and hopefully as an expert in your field.
- Be helpful. One of the best ways to show people you care is through helping. Is a member of your community asking a question? Help him or her out if it's an area of expertise or something you feel comfortable answering. Are they asking for advice? Again, if it's something you can answer and chime in on, do it! Share your knowledge graciously.
- Go above and beyond. Find interesting, helpful and informative articles that would benefit people in your community. Share advice, information, guidance, wisdom or a funny video. Whatever your style, find some way that you can go above and beyond, and they'll see that you really care about this group. Clearly, you wouldn't be investing your time and energy into it otherwise!
View the full video below or contact us to learn how we can help you create or manage your online group, community or web site content.