Keep in mind, we recognize that the majority of technology-based companies don't have interminal budgets like these forerunners. These are still brilliant representations of companies that see their products and services the way their customers see them, and not the reverse. Even the smallest tech company can learn from these examples. What can you do to mimic their success on a smaller scale or with your current resources?
This is an excellent video showing the breadth of the Apple Music app. Music is their content and they have it front in center in this catchy video commercial. cleverly brings digital animation to tech through this quirky commercial video. Via the trendy Kung Fu Panda animated film characters, gained instant visibility, positioning them as a strong force in the web development space.
Apple explores a little self deprication through this tongue-in-cheek commercial. The video pokes fun at the use—or should I say overuse—of today's mobile devices. A little negative attention can go a long way when it's done right.
Not to be outdone by its counterpart, Galaxy had its own version of ironic promotion. Through a collage of complaints, Galaxy pokes fun at consumer's neverending mobile functionality wish list. Still, it's easy to snub and get away with it when you have the solution.
Nearly every generation short of maybe those from the Silent Era can appreciate this holiday commercial video. The video depicts a family's apprehension to, once again, spend the holidays at their grandparents' house without any electronic means of escape. Comcast/Xfinity was, of course, the hero in the end.
Want help creating your own videos or other content to use in your blog, emails and marketing campaigns? Contact us today or sign up for our pay-as-you-go marketing support hours and we can start creating your content tomorrow!