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Top social media marketing news updates for week ending 5/25/18

Written by Kristin Muckerheide | May 25, 2018 8:46:22 PM

Like everything else digital...the world of social media is always changing. With new platforms and tools being developed all the time, there's a lot to keep up with.

The fact is, your customers are already using social media. And we all know you want to be where your customers are. But where do you start?

To help you stay on top of your game, the team here at Flair Interactive has gathered the top 5 social media marketing news updates for this week. 

1. How to build a Facebook ad funnel using customer testimonials (Social Media Examiner)
Discover how to attract new prospects through your Facebook ads by using case studies and customer testimonials to build awareness and trust in your brand.

2. 7 Instagram stories ideas to get more followers (Content Marketing Institute)
It's no longer a matter of IF you should be using Instagram Stories in your marketing strategy, but HOW. More than 300 million people view Instagram Stories every single day, and the more impressive stat? A third of the most-viewed Stories are posted by...wait for it...brands! This is not something you want to miss out on. Here are 7 ways to take advantage of this tool. 
3. How Facebook marketing is changing (and how to be prepared) (Buffer Social)
Learn some of the ways in which Facebook is likely going to be changing in the next few years, as well as what these changes may mean for your marketing strategy. It's an interesting analysis of the state of Facebook now and where it's predicted to go.
4. The ideal social media post length: A guide for every platform (Hootsuite)
If you want to nail your posts on social media to gain optimal engagement, then you'll want to pay attention to this guide. How long should each post and video be? Well, it depends on the platform. This article takes you through the ideal post length for each one. Easy peasy. 
5. The best days and times to post on social media (MarketingProfs)
You can have the most perfect social media post ever—the right length, the right word choice, the right images and maybe even a sponsorship or collaboration with a big name or brand. But if you're not posting at the right time, what's the point? Less people will see it, and it even might fly completely under the radar. Don't let this happen to you. 


Looking for help crafting a strong social media marketing strategy for your brand? Flair is here for you. Contact us today to find out what we can do for your social strategy.



Image courtesy of geralt via Pixabay