Learn how user research--including surveys, focus groups, interviews,
online user testing or formal lab testing--can give you priceless
insight into your users' needs and preferences.
Posted by Lisa Kirschner
May 7, 2010 11:34:53 AM
Learn how user research--including surveys, focus groups, interviews,
online user testing or formal lab testing--can give you priceless
insight into your users' needs and preferences.
Topics: user research, Content Management, flair interactive, focus groups, flair, interviews, online user testing, content strategy, usability, surveys, formal lab testing, lisa kirschner
Posted by Lisa Kirschner
Apr 28, 2010 9:56:43 AM
Excellent recap of the history between Amazon.com, Apple and traditional publishing houses by Ken Auletta at The New Yorker. This has forever changed my view of Amazon!
Topics: digital publishing, Content Management, content development, amazon, flair, steve jobs, kindle, content strategy, apple, Miscellaneous, ipad, ken auletta, lisa kirschner, ebooks, jeff bezos, Industry Leaders
Still Time to Register for Taxonomy Boot Camp 2009!
Topics: meta data, taxonomy, Content Management, flair interactive, Online Marketing, flair, content, Interesting and Useful Sites, CMS Tools, content strategy, Miscellaneous, web site
Posted by Lisa Kirschner
Nov 5, 2009 6:22:00 AM
There is no best web content management system. But there is probably a good Web CMS for what you’re trying to do. With that, we kicked-off a heated debate on Inconvenient truths and unsolved WCM industry challenges at the J.Boye 2009 conference in chilly Aarhus, DK.
via www.cmswire.com
Great summary of notes from CMS Wire for the "Inconvenient truths and unsolved WCM industry challenges" session from the J. Boye 2009 conference. I love the fact that user experience improvements are noted as a must-have requirement for the web content management (WCM) industry, particularly open source tools.
I'm also glad to see the recognition that matrices and Excel charts should not be used to compare and analyze WCM tools during the selection process. See our blog post about this topic, "Why You Don't Need a Detailed CMS Comparison Chart."
What are your thoughts on what's working and what's not in WCM today?
Lisa Kirschner
Founder and Managing Director, Flair Interactive Services Inc.
Managing Editor, Content 911 Blog
Topics: Content Management, flair interactive, web content management, flair, CMS Tools, lisa kirschner, WCM
Here's a GREAT article on viral content, and why it matters beyond social media circles:
Topics: web, viral content, Content Management, content development, flair interactive, Online Marketing, seth godin, flair, content strategy, social networking, blog
Personalizing content on your Web site is a great way to provide real added value to your users. And the more personally relevant that content is, based on a combination of a specific user's actions or personal information stored about that user, the more valuable it can be. Amazon.com is one of the best examples of how effective this can be. However, setting up your site to dynamically serve pages or content can be complicated--and measuring results can be even trickier.
Topics: Content Management, flair interactive, CMS, flair, marketing, interactive, Miscellaneous, personalization
We live in an era of 'raging' content. Access and availability, and the speed at which we enjoy them, is commonplace. We blog, we tweet, we text--and in those spaces use language and abbreviations that would make Strunk and White roll over in their graves.
Topics: Content Management, content development, flair interactive, Online Marketing, CMS, flair, content strategy, information architecture, usability
The Joomla! Project is tentatively planning a developer conference that will take place in New York City this December:
Topics: Content Management, flair interactive, CMS, flair, joomla, Miscellaneous, WCM
It seems that everyone is playing the SEO game these days, and with all the players out there (such as Google, Bing! and Yahoo!), getting swept up in the pay-per-click model can cost big bucks over time. How to make the most of your CMS tool and your budget--and still get great returns from search engine traffic? Start with 'homegrown' tactics before you tackle PPC.
Topics: web, Content Management, flair interactive, CMS, flair, content management system, content, CMS Tools, interactive marketing, content strategy, SEO, search engine optimization
Over the years, we've worked with numerous CMS tools--from enterprise-level to open source and homegrown tools. The bells and whistles may differ from product to product, but the challenge of training and managing content contributors remains universal: How to make the process of managing content easier and more compliant, even if users are not 'technically inclined'?
Topics: Content Management, content development, flair interactive, CMS, flair, content management system, content strategy, usability, crownpeak, content authors
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