Flair Interactive is a web agency specializing in content management, but we often receive questions about exactly what we do for our clients.
Flair Interactive is a web agency specializing in content management, but we often receive questions about exactly what we do for our clients.
Topics: web, Content Management, content development, Online Marketing, kirschner, CMS, flair, design, development, content, content strategy, interactive, Miscellaneous, information architecture, usability, social networking, services, E-commerce
If you own or manage a small business and you need an email marketing tool, check out AWeber. It's inexpensive and easy to use, as described by the folks in this video from AWeber's YouTube channel:
Topics: Online Marketing, email, kirschner, flair, vertical response, content, Interesting and Useful Sites, marketing, Product Reviews, interactive, Miscellaneous, constant contact, emaillabs, aweber
Fantastic video from my former colleague Jim Lecinski, who is now the Managing Director of U.S. Sales at Google, about the tremendous shift that has occurred in marketing during the last few years:
Topics: Content Management, content development, Online Marketing, flair, content, Interesting and Useful Sites, content strategy, interactive, Miscellaneous, google, jim lecinski, marketers, publishing, Industry Leaders
Still Time to Register for Taxonomy Boot Camp 2009!
Topics: meta data, taxonomy, Content Management, flair interactive, Online Marketing, flair, content, Interesting and Useful Sites, CMS Tools, content strategy, Miscellaneous, web site
In a word: yes. But only if the syndicated content you have to offer is valuable, insightful and leaves your subscribers wanting more.
Topics: web, content development, flair interactive, Online Marketing, flair, content, content strategy, syndication
It's always great to have lots of fresh content on your Web site and you want to be sure you give users as much information as they need, but it's also important not to go overboard. How can you tell when you have just enough content or when it's too much? Here are a few tips to help you decide:
Topics: content development, flair interactive, CMS, flair, content, content strategy, web site, strategy
It seems that everyone is playing the SEO game these days, and with all the players out there (such as Google, Bing! and Yahoo!), getting swept up in the pay-per-click model can cost big bucks over time. How to make the most of your CMS tool and your budget--and still get great returns from search engine traffic? Start with 'homegrown' tactics before you tackle PPC.
Topics: web, Content Management, flair interactive, CMS, flair, content management system, content, CMS Tools, interactive marketing, content strategy, SEO, search engine optimization
Copyblogger has just released a post entitled "Copywriting 101: An Introduction to Copywriting". It's a hands-on, practical list of things that you should do when writing copy (content) for online media.
Topics: lyris, lyris hq, web, copyblogger, writing, Content Management, content development, flair interactive, clicktracks, CMS, flair, content, copywriting, lisa kirschner, WCM
Day Software has released better-than-expected earnings for the first half of '09, following a lackluster end to 2008:
Topics: web, Content Management, flair interactive, CMS, flair, content, Product Reviews, day software, day communique, cq 5, lisa kirschner, WCM, CMS Watch
Posted by Lisa Kirschner
Aug 6, 2009 6:43:00 AM
Seth Godin has written a great post on learning to ride a unicycle:
Topics: Content Management, content development, flair interactive, seth godin, CMS, flair, content, interactive marketing, lisa kirschner
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