Vine recently announced the launch of "loop counts". Loop Counts indicate how many times people have looped a video, including on Vine and in embeds across the web.
With this update, there’s now a new way for you to quickly get a sense of how popular and interesting a Vine may be – based on how many times people watch a Vine loop. The number, which you can see in Vine's mobile apps and on vine.co, updates in real time, so as you watch a video, you’ll know you’re watching with others at the same time.
Redesigned Home Feed: Additionally, the feeds in their Android and iPhone apps now feature a new design, offering you bigger edge-to-edge videos and a cleaner view of likes and comments.
Activity: Vine also revamped the Activity feed to make it easier to know what’s happening on your Vines. In addition to a new separation between New and Older Activity, you’ll also see a notification when your Vines surpass milestones such as 25 likes, or 100 likes.
For more information on these new updates, visit the Vine Blog.
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